CHHS Awards

CHHS Awards Recipients

Review Process For All Awards

教职员工奖励委员会(由前一年的教职员工奖励组成) 获奖者)将审查所有提名并向院长提交建议. The 每个获奖者的最终选择是院长的责任.

  1. Nominations may come through each department head/school director. 每个单位将确定自己的方法来识别谁,如果有人,在 nominees will have his or her credentials forwarded to the College.
  2. In addition, 院长办公室将接受学院任何成员的“一般”提名 faculty or staff 谁希望提名一名学生、同事或部门主管/学校主任参加 a College award.

Deadline for Submissions: Sunday, December 1st by 11:59pm

Nomination Form

Dean's Choice Award

RSCA Awards

Instruction Awards

Advising Award

Service Awards

Engagement Award

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award

Student Award

Friends/Supports of CHHS

Alumni Awards

Past Recipients: